Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

Disney Vanessa And Ashley

Disney Ngadain Film Baru Spesial Liburan

Astaga!HidupGaya - Saat libur Natal dan Tahun Baru, pastinya seluruh keluarga ingin berkumpul dan menikmati waktu bersama. Karenanya, Disney Channel menghadirkan serial terbaru (Disney Channel Original Series) yang menceritakan tentang serunya perjalanan dan kenakalan jenaka si kembar Zack dan Cody.

Serial yang merupakan lanjutan dari "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody," menampilkan petualangan-petualangan Zack dan Cody yang seru dan unik di SS Tipton, sebuah kapal pesiar mewah milik ayah London. Kapal ini berlayar keliling dunia membawa wisatawan dan murid-murid "Seven Seas High", sebuah sekolah menengah Sementara Zack dan Cody masih saja dengan tingkah-tingkah nakal mereka, London berlatih menjalani hidup yang "kurang" mewah, seperti dia harus tinggal dalam sebuah kamar kecil dengan Bailey, seorang anak daerah dari Kansas.

"The Suite Life on Deck" menghadirkan Dylan dan Cole Sprouse (Zack dan Cody), Brenda Song (London Tipton), Phill Lewis (Tuan Mosby) dan memperkenalkan pemain baru, Debby Ryan, yang berperan sebagai Bailey. Serial seru ini akan tayang perdana pada hari Senin, 15 Desember pukul 16.30 WIB.

Selain merilis tayangan perdana serial "The Suite Life on Deck", di bulan Desember, Disney Channel juga menayangkan perdana film-film yakni "Labou", Minggu (21/12) pukul 18.30 WIB. Tiga orang teman, Emily, Gavind dan Toddster, berpetualang untuk mencari hantu menyeramkan yakni Kapten LeRouge si empunya kapal yang penuh dengan harta karun terdampar di Lousiana lebih dari dua tahun lalu. Namun yang mereka temukan adalah petualangan yang sangat aneh, melebihi apa yang mereka bayangkan, dan makhluk rawa-rawa yang misterius "Labou".

Serta "Shaggy Dog", Rabu (24/12) pukul 18.30 WIB. Ceritanya, ketika sebuah kecelakaan mengubahnya menjadi seekor anjing, Dave Douglas (Tim Allen) harus mencari cara untuk kembali menjadi manusia. Semua itu terjadi ketika dirinya belajar apa artinya menjadi sahabat seseorang sekaligus sahabat keluarganya. Komedian Tim Allen bermain sangat lucu dalam film terbaru dari Disney's comedy classic yang sangat menghibur ini. Film komedi ini juga menghadirkan Robert Downey Jr. dan Kristin Davis.

Ashley Tisdale

Ashley Tisdale

Jakarta, Bintang film 'Fantastic Four' Jessica Alba kerap masuk dalam daftar jajaran selebritis dengan tubuh terseksi. Hal ini pun diakui oleh bintang 'High School Musical,' Ashley Tisdale. Ashley sangat suka dengan lekuk tubuh Jessica.

"Aku suka lekuk tubuh, itu membuat kita cantik. Jessica Alba memiliki itu. Aku pikir seperti itulah seharusnya perempuan," ujar dara 23 tahun itu seperti kutip dari Female First, Senin (8/6/2009). Diakui Ashley, untuk mendapatkan tubuh seperti Jessica, ia berusaha keras. Namun hal tersebut tidak membuatnya menghindari makan-makanan cepat saja yang bisa membuat gemuk.

"Aku suka kentang gorong. Aku selalu menyantap McDonald setiap tur," tuturnya santai.

Setelah menyantap makanan tersebut biasanya Ashley langsung berolahraga. Ia ingin memiliki tubuh yang sedikit berotot
Bagi bintang ‘High School Musical,’ Ashley Tisdale ini mengaku begitu bangga dengan setiap lekuk ditubuh si bintang film Fantastic Four’ Jessica Alba. Maklum saja, Jessica kan sering masuk dalam daftar jajaran selebritis bertubuh seksi. “Alhasil aku suka lekuk tubuh, itu membuat kita cantik. Jessica Alba memiliki itu. Aku pikir seperti itulah seharusnya perempuan,” ujar dara 23 tahun itu seperti sumber dari Female First, Senin (8/6/2009). Dan Ashley pun juga mengakui kalau sebenarnya Jessica memang telah berusaha keras atas bentuk tubuhnya selama ini.

Ashley Tisdale: Kuncinya adalah Keseimbangan

Ashley Tisdale on Good Morning America Concert

[Image: 48359451118668368451416.jpg]
* Ashley Michelle Tisdale lahir di Monmouth County, New Jersey, pada 2 Juli 1985 dari pasangan Lisa dan Mike Tisdale yang memiliki sebuah perusahaan konstruksi.* Ketika masih berusia tiga tahun, Tisdale ditemukan oleh Bill Perlman, manajernya hingga kini, di mal South Shores. Lima tahun kemudian, dia menjadi pemeran utama dalam pementasan Broadway, Les Miserables.* Karier aktingnya dimulai ketika tampil dalam sejumlah pementasan di teater komunitas. Sekitar akhir 1990-an, Tisdale menjadi bintang tamu dalam beberapa film seri televisi seperti...

Senin, 8 Juni 2009

Setiap cewek memang pengen punya bentuk tubuh yang bagus dan terlihat menarik. Begitu juga dengan Ashley Tisdale yang lagi berusaha banget buat membentuk tubuhnya biar terlihat lebih ramping seperti Jessica Alba.

Jessica Alba merupakan salah satu artis yang jadi role model bintang High School Musical ini untuk ukuran tubuh ideal. Ashley sangat memuji Jessica karena bentuk tubuhnya yang sempurna dimata Ashley, “Bentuk tubuh Jessica sangat ideal dan jadi idaman para wanita, cocok banget kalau dijadikan figur tubuh yang bagus,” puji Ashley.

Meskipun Ashley lagi berusaha membentuk tubuhnya, tapi ia nggak bisa melepaskan kebiasaan makan fast food, “Aku hobi banget makan kentang goreng dan roti, kalau dirumah aku juga suka bikin omelet sendiri buat sarapan,” jawabnya.

Jadi gimana caranya tubuh kamu bisa langsing dong kalau nggak bisa berhenti makan fast food? “Aku akan mengurangi karbohidrat dan lebih memperbanyak asupan protein, biar ototku juga bisa terbentuk,” jelasnya. Bukannya fast food semacam kentang goreng dan roti sangat kaya akan karbohidrat? Nah loh!

Ashley Tisdale Kagumi Tubuh Jessica Alba

Kagakribet Gosip - Ashley Tisdale, salah saeorang pemain High School Musical, merasa kalau bentuk tubuh wanita secara umum emang indah. Tapi jika ditanya bentuk tubuh siapa yang ingin dimiliki artis satu itu, pastinya Ashley bakal memilih Jessica Alba.

Aku suka lekukan-lekukan – menurutku itu semua lebih cantik. Aku memperhatikan Jessica Alba dan menurutku dia memiliki tubuh yang keren. Menurutku bentuk badan seperti itu deh seharusnya cewek terlihat,” ujar Ashley seperti dikutip dari

Ashley sendiri memiliki tubuh yang gak kalah menarik lho. Dan menurut pengakuannya sih dirinya bekerja keras mempertahankan bentuk tubuhnya meski Ashley dirinya termasuk doyan makanan fast food.

“Aku suka kentang goring (French fries) dan roti, dan jika aku lagi tur aku makan di McDonald’s. Di rumah, aku suka masak – aku suka omlet di pagi hari. Tetap begitu, aku harus mulai latihan sehingga aku bisa mengurangi karbon dan menambah protein. Aku ingin berotot sedikit,” ujar Ashley lagi.

Dan ternyata nih, sambil melakukan olah raga, Ashley suka mendengarkan lagu-lagu penyanyi pop cewek macam Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Pink dan Katy Perry.

Di rumah, aku biasanya berada diruang latihan selama 30-40 menit. Aku selalu olah raga sambil mendengarkan musik – Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Pink dan Katy Perry.

Ashley Tisdale Anti Rokok dan Alkohol">Ashley Tisdale Anti Rokok dan Alkohol

Ashley Tisdale from askmen dot com

Ashley Tisdale adalah bintang film High School Musical yang saat ini sudah memasuki Senior Year.

Kesibukannya sebagai artis menjadikannya tidak punya cukup banyak waktu untuk hang out bareng teman-temannya apalagi untuk pesta dan mendatangi Club.

Jadwalnya dipenuhi dengan syuting, pemotretan, wawancara dan berbagai kegiatan lainnya termasuk kegiatan amal, sehingga badannya amat lelah ketika selesai bekerja dan langsung tidur begitu sampai di rumah.

Prinsip Ashley Tisdale yang patut dicontoh adalah anti alkohol dan anti rokok. Mama yang mengajariku, ujar Ashley.


Pic 1
Pada majalah People, penyanyi berusia 22 tahun ini mengaku jadi paranoid. "Aku kelihatan menggelembung. Aku terus bertanya, 'Ya Tuhan, apakah selamanya akan seperti ini?'"

Tisdale mengaku dia tidak menyesali keputusan melaksanakan operasi hidung, tapi dia menyesal memutuskan menyanyi di depan publik dua minggu setelah operasi tersebut.

Sejak penampilannya pada Z100 Jingle Ball concert di New York bulan lau, Tisdale sedih menerima reaksi tidak menyenangkan dari fansnya.

"Mukaku kelihatan lumpuh di foto-foto yang diambil pada event tanggal 15 Desember kemarin. Tapi sekarang aku bisa menunjukkan ekspresi. Bahkan mengerutkan hidung pun aku bisa," ujar Tisdale.

Operasi hidung Tisdale dilaksanakan pada 30 November untuk memperbaiki septum yang letaknya menyimpang, yang menyebabkan permasalahan dalam pernapasan. Tisdale bilang hidungnya berubah bentuk setelah patah dua

Tisdale memutuskan untuk bicara tentang operasinya, karena dia tidak ingin memainkan permainan penyangkalan. "Aku ingin fansku tahu, karena aku tidak sembarangan memutuskan operasi plastik."

Ashley Tisdale Ketakutan Saat Liburan

Phineas and Ferb (Disney Channel)
Liburan musim panas, Ashley Tisdale jadi bulan-bulanan kedua adik laki-lakinya. Dirinya dipaksa menaiki Roller Coaster buatan adik-adiknya, sampai ketakutan.

Kejadian diatas memang bukan terjadi dalam kehidupan nyata Ashley Tisdale. Adegan seru dan kocak itu terjadi dalam film kartun 'Phineas and Ferb' dimana Ashley menjadi salah satu pengisi suaranya..

Phineas and Ferb bercerita mengenai saudara tiri yang tengah menghabiskan liburan musim panas. Phineas adalah anak laki-laki yang cerewet dan selalu berbicara dengan cepat sedangkan Ferb lebih pendiam dan hanya menjawab dengan sepatah dua patah kata saja.Mereka berdua menghabiskan liburan dengan membuat penemuan-penemuan yang aneh namun luar biasa. Mereka juga memaksa kakak perempuannya, Candace (Ashley Tisdale) untuk mencoba Rolleer coaster yang dibuat dari barang-barang alakadarnya. Akhirnya sang kakak menjadi ketakutan.

Liburan Phineas dan Ferb semakin seru ketika platipus peliharaan mereka, Perry ternyata adalah mata-mata penjahat.penasaran dengan serunya liburan musim panas 'Phineas and Ferb'? Saksikan saja di Disney Channel pada pukul 18.30 malam hari ini.
Ashley Tisdale, Bintang Iklan Produk Deodoran
Kamis, 03 April 2008 8:51 WIB
Oleh: Amelia Tisdale

ashley tisdale

Bintang High School Musical, Ashley Tisdale menjadi model iklan untuk produk deodoran Degree Girl. Tak hanya wajah cantiknya yang menghiasi iklan, pemeran Sharpay Evans ini juga menyumbangkan suaranya untuk jingle lagu produk tersebut.

“Kamu bisa men-download lagu tersebut di,” jelas Ashley.

Untuk promo iklan Degree Girl mengadakan lomba menulis, dimana para fans Ashley bisa menceritakan pengalaman seputar bau badan dan keringat. Karya tulis yang menang akan memenangkan tiket ke Los Angeles untuk bertemu Ashley.

Bagi Ashley, masalah keringat itu lumrah terjadi pada setiap orang. “Setiap orang berkeringat. Tidak ada yang sempurna,” ujarnya seperti dilansir Contact,

Ashley Tisdale - It's Alright, It's OK [First Single]

Ashley Tisdale and Her Ex Are Still 'Good Friends'

Ashley Tisdale recently split from her boyfriend, Jared Murillo of the boy band V Factory, but the pair are as friendly as ever.

"They remain good friends," Murillo's dad Alex tells PEOPLE exclusively, of his son, 20, and Tisdale, 23. "They are in the same circle, they have the same friends. And you know what? You never know how life turns out. They might hook up again, you just never know."

Adds Murillo's dad, "I think it was just the right time to do what they did."

The couple's split comes at a time when Murillo's band (he also previously co-starred in High School Musical with Tisdale) is becoming increasingly busy: They're gearing up to shoot the video for V Factory's new single, "Lovestruck." Also on tap is a tour and a Warner Brothers Records-released album, both slated for this summer.

"Jared is very, very happy, and is very pleased with what's going on with his work," the elder Murillo tells PEOPLE. "I think for him it's a good time now to move forward. His background has always been performing on the road, so he's very comfortable. It's like his home. It is home."

And not surprisingly, Murillo's dad is one of V Factory's biggest fans. "They've got some dynamite songs," he says of the five-member group, which has a pop/R&B/urban sound. "They're going to be the big surprise of the summer."

Mon, 04 May 2009 at 1:11 pm

Ashley Tisdale attends the Los Angeles Dodgers-San Diego Padres game at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles on Sunday (May 4).

The 23-year-old Guilty Pleasure singer sat in the Dugout Club with her boyfriend, music video director Scott Speer, and other friends and family. The Dodgers won the game, 7-3.

Ashley tweeted after the game, “Dodgers game was soooo much fun! I LOVE dodger dogs…..yum!”

The Tizz also received a 2009 MTV Movie Awards nomination for Breakthrough Performance Female for her work in High School Musical 3: Senior Year! Vote for her at

She just blogged, “OMG just found out I’m nominated for breathrough female MTV movie award!!!!!!! Aaahhh, I am so excited this is my first nomination! Thanks so much to all the fans who helped me get nominated and please keep voting! I love you guys!” Congrats, Ashley!!!

Ashley Tisdale - Guilty Pleasure
Guilty Pleasure [1] is the second studio album by American pop singer and actress Ashley Tisdale set to be released in June 16, 2009 in the United States via Warner Bros. Records. [2] The lead single from the album is the song "It's Alright, It's OK".[3]

Background and recording process

Ashley began work on this album in the middle of January 2008, with the recordings of the first tracks at the recording studios located in Burbank, California.

In an April 2008 interview with Extra!, she stated that she recorded a couple of songs for her next album and after shooting High School Musical 3 she would focus her attention on her second album.[4] Later the year, she announced album would have "more rock and edgier" music.[5][6] Tommy Page stated in his official website that he was working on Tisdale's second album. [7] In an interview to Cosmopolitan, Tisdale announced the name of the album and it is "sexier" than the previous album.

I’ve been working on the second album for a year, and it’s something completely different from the first album. Doing the first album is a lot of learning about yourself -- I had to get to know what I like, even though I knew I wanted to do something pop and R&B. I went for more of a rock sound. I’m 23 now, so I’m growing up, and I wanted something more mature and edgier. I’m starting to show a side of myself that people don’t know.
—Ashley Tisdale, talks about Guilty Pleasure[9]

Tisdale stated the track "Hot Mess" is "about hanging out with a motorcycle bad boy that makes life more interesting" and the track "How Do You Love Someone?" is "about a girl who deals with the split of her parents". The album is indeed an authentic reflection of a girl growing up and speaking her mind on songs like the first single "It's Alright, It's OK".[10]

She worked with a host of top-flight record producers and songwriters, such as Kara DioGuardi, Toby Gad, Billy Steinberg, Emanuel Kiriakou, Alain Beaton (of the rock band Porcelain and the Tramps), Diane Warren and Swedish production team Twin (who co-wrote the Headstrong singles "Not Like That" and "Be Good to Me").[11] Tisdale co-wrote several tracks on this album, including "Acting Out", "Overrated", and two ballads "Me Without You" and "What If", which she co-wrote with Kara DioGuardi.[11]. She also confirmed the track "Masquerade".[10]

Confirmed Tracks

* "It's Alright, It's OK" — 2:58[21][22]
* "Hot Mess"
* "How Do You Love Someone?"
* "Masquerade"[15]
* "What If" (Kara DioGuardi, Ashley Tisdale)[11]
* "Acting Out" (Johan Alkenäs, Steve McMorran, Joacim Persson, Emil Svensson, Tisdale, Twin)[23][10]
* "Me Without You" (Toby Gad, Lindsay Robins, Tisdale)[10][24]
* "Overrated"[10]
(foto: Ist).

LOS ANGELES - Vanessa Hudgens tidak ingin tampil bernyanyi lagi di atas panggung. Kini bintang film High School Musical ini mengaku ingin fokus untuk mengasah kemampuan aktingnya.

"Maksudku. Aku sangat mencintai musik. Aku tumbuh besar Karen musik. Jadi musik tetap memiliki tempat special di dalam hatiku. Di waktu yang sama, alangkah baiknya memilih kedua hal tersebut dan hanya fokus bermain film," katanya, sebagaimana dikutip femalefirst, Kamis (25/6/2009).

Vanessa mengaku senang bermain film, karena suka memainkan beberapa karakter berbeda dan menjalani perjalanan baru.

Aktris Bandslam, yang baru-baru ini mendapatkan peran non musik di Beastly ini, mengaku bahwa dia juga tidak ada rencana untuk merilis album lagi.

Pelantun Snakernight menegaskan bahwa dia berhenti bermain musik sejak sekarang dan dia ingin fokus untuk bermain film. Iklan Sponsor: - Isi Pulsa via Web, YM & SMS. Komisi 10 Level!

Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens

Los Angeles, Zac Efron benar-benar bukan pacar yang posesif. Ia tak pernah melarang kekasihnya Vanessa Hudgens untuk melakukan sesuatu. Termasuk untuk tampil bugil di film.

"Dia (Zac) bilang, dia (Vanessa) harus tampil telanjang (dalam film) dan jangan takut untuk melakukannya," ujar seorang sumber yang dilansir dari Female First, Jumat (22/5/2009).

Bukannya melarang, Zac justru cenderung menyarankan kekasihnya untuk membentuk imej lain dengan tampil berani dan buka-bukaan.

Walau telah mendapat dukungan Zac 100 persen, namun bukan berarti bintang utama 'High School Musical' itu lantas gegabah dan menerima peran bugil apapun yang ia terima. Menurutnya hingga saat ini belum ada film yang tepat untuk membuatnya pamer tubuh.

"Jika saatnya tepat, dan ada film yang luar biasa yang sangat ingin kubintangi, kita lihat saja," ujar Vanessa.

Vanessa Hudgens Berkencan Dengan Pria Lain

vanesaVanessa Hudgens meminta izin kepada pacarnya, Zac Efron untuk pergi berkencan dengan pria lain. Zac merasa kecewa mendengar keinginan pacarnya itu.

Konon, keinginan Vanessa ini sebagai aksi protes karena dia merasa marah dengan pernyataan Zac yang tak ingin menikah di usia muda dan berkomitmen serius dengan dirinya. Zac menjelaskan pada kekasihnya itu dia siap untuk mengakhiri masa lajangnya bila usianya sudah 40 tahun.

“Ketika Vanessa mendengar Zac berencana untuk tetap single dia merasa syok dan hancur. Padahal, Vanessa ingin sekali bertunangan dengan Zac satu atau dua tahun ke depan,” kata sumber seperti dikutip dari Femalefirst, Selasa 5 Mei 2009.

Merasa putus asa dan sedih, bintang ‘High School Musical’ ini memilih untuk berbagi cerita kepada teman-teman dekatnya. Dia mencurahkan seluruh rasa hatinya. Sikap Zac yang sangat mendukung kebebasan itu membuat Vanessa ingin menghabiskan waktunya bersama pria lain.

Ternyata, keinginannya itu membuat sang kekasih kecewa. Dia tak menyangka bila Vanessa melakukan hal tersebut. Dia sangat menentang keinginan kekasihnya untuk mencari pria lain.

Zac sangat kecewa. Dia tak ingin Vanessa pergi kencan dengan pria lain. Walaupun dia tidak siap untuk berkomitmen, keinginan Vanessa ingin berkencan dengan pria lain membuat dirinya gila,” tambah sumber.

Kisah cinta Zac dan Vanessa berawal ketika dua artis ini terlibat dalam film ‘High School Musical’. Keduanya terlibat cinta lokasi. Cinta keduanya berlangsung di luar lokasi syuting. Jalinan cinta mereka bertahan sampai sekarang.

Vanessa Hudgens Tunggu Waktu Untuk Bugil
Han Kristi - detikMovie


Hollywood - Muda, cantik dan berbakat adalah sanjungan yang tepat ditujukan kepada bintang 'High School Musical', Vanessa Hudgens. Sebagai seorang aktris, ia pun siap habis-habisan untuk menunjukan kemampuan di dunia akting, termasuk beradegan bugil.

"Saya siap untuk tampil bugil di layar lebar, tinggal tunggu waktunya saja. Tentunya di film yang benar-benar saya sukai," ujarnya seperti detikhot kutip dari Aceshowbiz, Rabu (13/5/2009).

Soal bugil, sebetulnya bukan sesuatu baru buat perempuan berusia 20 tahun itu. Pada 2007 lalu Vanessa sempat membuat kehebohan ketika fotonya bugilnya beredar di dunia maya. Ia pun mengakui foto-foto tersebut memang miliknya.

Vanessa Hudgens mulai populer ketika berperan sebagai Gabriella Montez di 'High School Musical'. Dalam waktu dekat ini ia akan merilis film terbarunya 'Bandslam'.

Vanessa Hudgens Ingin Tampil Bugil di Film

Widhi Adhi Hartono

INILAH.COM, Los Angeles - Bintang serial Disney High School Musical, Vanessa Hudgens, ingin sekali mendapat peran bugil di film. Walaupun masih remaja, Vanessa tidak perduli dengan imej nya, karena peran bugil merupakan tuntutan skenario.

"Aku akan tampil bugil di film jika memang ada tuntutan dari sutradara," kata remaja berusia 20 tahun itu.

Seperti dikutip dari Femalefirst, Vanessa tidak ragu reputasi bersihnya tercemar lantaran tampil telanjang di sebuah film. Jika saatnya tepat Vanessa tidak masalah dengan peran telanjang.

Vanessa sempat menggemparkan para pecintanya ketika foto-foto telanjangnya bocor di internet pada 2007 silam. Jepretan tanpa sehelai benang menutupi tubuhnya itu kabarnya ditujukan untuk pacarnya, Zac Efron.

September 2007, foto provokatif Vanessa banjir di internet. Dua foto menampilkan artis ini hanya berbalut pakaian dalam. Sisanya, foto telanjang Vanessa.

Melalui juru bicaranya, Vanessa mengaku itu merupakan foto pribadinya. Sangat disayangkan foto itu bocor di dunia maya. Vanessa kemudian membuat pernyataan maaf.

Vanessa Hudgens, Bintangi Versi Modern “Beauty and the Beast”
Written by Redaksi Web
Thursday, 23 April 2009 10:26

Bintang "High School Musical" Vanessa Hudgens akan tampil di film baru "Beastly". Film tersebut merupakan versi teranyar "Beauty and the Beast" yang diadaptasi dari novel remaja karya Alex Flinn.

Seperti dilansir Aceshowbiz, Rabu (22/4), di film tersebut Vanessa Hudgens akan memerankan karakter Linda. Linda adalah gadis yang mampu mengembalikan Kyle Kingsbury ke wujud aslinya.

"Beastly" berkisah tentang Kyle Kingsbury, seorang pemuda tampan dan kaya raya yang kemudian dikutuk oleh gadis penyihir karena sifat buruknya. Berbagai usaha pun ia lakoni untuk menyembuhkan kutukan itu, bahkan ia mencari caranya melalui situs My Space.

"Beastly" akan mengambil setting Manhattan, New York masa kini. Selain Vanessa Hudgens, film garapan Daniel Barnz itu juga akan menampilkan aktor Alex Pettyfer sebagai Kyle Kingsbury.

Vanessa Hudgens Sudah Siap Bugil di Film Barunya
Oleh Administrator
Kamis, 14 Mei 2009 10:06
LOS ANGELES, KAMIS - Vanessa Hudgens nampaknya telah siap untuk membuka tubuhnya di depan kamera. Dia siap beradegan bugil untuk film terbarunya.
Bintang muda HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL yang pernah terkena skandal foto telanjang beberapa tahun lalu ini berkata dia sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk beradegan telanjang jika ada peran yang tepat untuknya.

"Aku akan bugil di dalam film jika waktunya tepat," kata artis manis berusia 20 tahun ini pada E!News seperti dikutip oleh Showbiz Spy.

"Sekarang, aku memang belum nyaman untuk melakukannya. Tapi, seperti yang kukatakan sebelumnya, jika waktunya tepat, jika filmnya amat mengagumkan, dan aku amat menyenanginya, itulah saatnya aku beradegan telanjang, kita lihat saja," lanjutnya.

Hudgens sendiri sebelumnya pernah mengatakan bahwa bagian tubuh yang paling disukainya adalah kakinya. "Aku punya kaki yang amat kuat. Aku mendapatkannya dari ayahku. Betisku besar dan tampak keren. Saat aku memakai sepatu berhak tinggi, aku banyak menggerakkan kakiku, karenanya aku menyukainya,"

Vanessa Hudgens Kembali Dikontrak Walt Disney, Los Angeles - Sejak terjadi kasus peredaran foto-foto tanpa busana Vanessa Hudgens, penggemar High School Musical sempat dibuat ketar-ketir karena besar kemungkinan tidak akan melihat para bintang idola mereka kembali tampil bareng.

Namun kekuatiran tersebut akhirnya terjawab tiga bulan setelah peristiwa bocornya foto-foto Hudgens di internet terjadi. Kabarnya, pihak Walt Disney selaku pencipta film musikal paling sukses sepanjang sejarah televisi Amerika itu telah menyodorkan kontrak baru bagi aktris berdarah Filipina tersebut untuk tampil di seri ketiga High School Musical.

Sebelumnya sempat beredar kabar bahwa pihak Disney memutuskan untuk melepas Hudgens. Selain dikuatirkan bisa berpengaruh buruk pada citra serial yang telah menjadi idola anak-anak dan kamu remaja Amerika tersebut, mereka menganggap kehadiran Efron seorang sudah cukup.

Yang menarik, berita tersebut muncul tak lama setelah perusahaan raksasa yang dikenal lewat film dan serial bertema keluarga itu mengeluarkan pernyataan bakal terus mendukung Hudgens setelah skandal foto syur-nya tersebar luas.

Tidak cuma kembali dilibatkan, kabarnya honor perempuan kelahiran 1988 tersebut bakal mendapat kenaikan untuk kembali memerankan tokoh Gabriella Montez. Nampaknya, pihak Disney tidak berani mengambil resiko menghilangkan salah satu karakter yang telah lekat di ingatan penggemar.

Syuting High School Musical 3 sendiri dijadwalkan bakal berlangsung mulai Januari 2008, dan bakal kembali menampilkan Ashley Tisdale. Namun, belum diketahui apakah pemogokan yang dilakukan serikat penulis naskah bakal mempengaruhi proyek Disney satu ini............(

erwakilan Vanessa Hudgens telah mengkonfirmasikan bahwa foto bugil Hudgens yang beredar di internet adalah foto asli artis 18 tahun pemeran film “High School Musical”.

“Foto ini diambil untuk koleksi pribadi,” kata Jill Fritzo, agen Hudgens. “Sangat disayangkan foto ini beredar ke publik.”

Di foto itu, Hudgens berdiri bugil di sebuah ruangan yang mungkin adalah sebuah kamar, dengan tirai berwarna merah di belakangnya.

Karena kasus ini, Disney Channel, sebagai bagian dari Walt Disney Co. menolak untuk memberikan keterangan apakah Hudgens tidak akan ditunjuk lagi untuk bermain di “High School Musical 3” yang sedang dalam tahap pengerjaan.

“High School Musical 2” ditonton oleh lebih dari 17 juta orang di Disney Channel pada pemutaran premierenya bulan Agustus lalu, sekaligus memegang rekor sebagai acara TV paling banyak ditonton di musim panas.

Pasangan suami Istri David Beckham dan Victoria Beckham memang banyak membuat pasangan-pasangan lain iri karena kemesraan dan kekompakan mereka. Pasangan Artis Vanessa Hudgens dan Zac Efron pun sempat ngiri dengan pasangan yang dikarunia tiga orang anak itu. Diakui Zack dan kekasihnya, Vanessa ingin seperti Victoria & Beckham. Tak hanya mengagumi kemesraan pasangan asal Inggris itu, tetapi gaya busana keduanya membuat Bintang High School Musical itu terinspirasi. “Saya suka gaya mereka berbusana david. Rasanya menyenangkan saat kita membanding-bandingkan dengan mereka,” katanya. Victoria & Beckham memang selalu tampil fashionable dan mengikuti fesyen di Dunia. Mereka selalu tampil serasi dan kompak.
Vanessa Hudgens Akan Terima Peran Bugil

Vanessa Hudgens

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009 | 15:53
London – Vanessa Hudgens mengatakan akan menerima peran bugil di film, asalkan waktu dan peran tersebut bagus dan tepat untuknya. “Saya akan tampil bugil di film asalkan waktunya tepat, sekarang saya tidak merasa senang melakukan itu,” ucap artis berusia 20 tahun ini seperti dilansir People, Rabu (13/5).

Hudgens menambahkan, dirinya akan menerima peran tersebut bila waktunya tiba dan film tersebut berkesan untuknya. “Kalau waktunya tiba, jika perannya bagus, maka saya akan melakukannya dengan penuh gairah. Kita lihat saja nanti?” ujarnya. Pemeran film ‘High School Musical’ itu baru-baru ini melakukan pendekatan untuk film ‘Beastly’, cerita modern dari ‘Beauty and the Beast’, dan ‘Suker Punch’, kira-kira bercerita tentang gadis muda yang hidup dengan kekejaman ayah tirinya.(fie)

Vanessa Hudgens Ikut Audisi Sekuel "Twilight"
Selasa, 13 Januari 2009 10:44 WIB

Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens tertarik untuk mengisi peran di sekuel film “Twilight” yang berjudul “New Moon”. Melansir berita dari People, bintang film Disney “High School Musical” (HSM) ini telah mengikuti audisi untuk peran sebagai manusia serigala Leah Clearwater.

Jika Vanessa berhasil mendapatkan peran itu, dia akan memainkan tokoh yang sangat jauh berbeda dari film remaja yang pernah dibintanginya. Jika di HSM, aktris berusia 20 tahun ini memerankan Gabriella Montez, remaja SMA populer yang ceria, di film yang bercerita tentang vampir ini dia akan memainkan sosok wanita yang mengalami patah hati dan dicampakkan teman sekelasnya.

Ashley Green, pemeran Alice Cullen di “Twilight” yang sempat melihat proses audisi memuji penampilan Vanessa dan berharap dia bisa bergabung dalam film tersebut. “Saya rasa dia (Vanessa) akan berperan sangat bagus,” ujar Ashley seperti dikutip Mtvnews.

“New Moon” merupakan seri kedua dari tiga novel karangan Stephenie Meyer yang cukup sukses . Masih dibintangi pemain utamanya Robert Pattinson dan Kristen Stewart, film besutan sutradara Chris Weitz itu direncanakan akan rilis November 2009 mendatang.

Zac Efron dan Vanessa Hudgens Mesra di Hawaii
Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008

HAWAII - Saat film yang dibintangi menjadi buah bibir karena merajai box office, Zac Efron dan Vanessa Hudgens yang menjalin kasih terlihat bergandengan mesra di Hawaii. Meski tujuan utamanya menghadiri pernikahan salah seorang rekan mereka, pasangan tersebut memanfaatkan momen itu untuk bermesraan.

Hudgens terlihat cantik dengan gaun santai bermotif bunga, sedangkan Efron mengenakan setelan resmi. Pasangan yang sama-sama berperan di High School Musical (HSM) 3 itu seakan tak terpisahkan. Tangan keduanya selalu bergandengan saat berkeliling dan menyapa tamu tang lain.

Keduanya juga menunjukkan kebolehan mereka dalam menari. "Mereka menari seperti yang ditampilkan dalam film High School Musical 3. Mereka adalah penari yang hebat," ujar sebuah sumber seperti dikutip E!online kemarin (28/10). Keduanya terlihat bahagia karena mendengar kabar kesuksesan HSM 3.

Meski puluhan paparazi terus mengabadikan kegiatan mereka, keduanya sepertinya tidak keberatan. Namun, mereka terlihat membatasi diri agar perhatian tamu lain tetap tertuju kepada mempelai.

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Apakah Zac Efron Bakal Putuskan Vanessa Hudgens?

Apakah Zac Efron Bakal Putuskan Vanessa Hudgens?

Zac Efron rupa-rupanya ingin putus dari kekasihnya, Vanessa Hudgens. Pasalnya, dia merasa jika dirinya terus berhubungan dengan Hudgens, maka karirnya tidak akan bertambah maju.

Vanessa Hudgens Borong Barang Bernilai $ 12,000 Di Golden Globe

Dilihat pembaca 234 kali

Kagakribet Gosip - Vanessa Hudgens, pelakon Gabriella dalam High School Musical begitu semangatnya saat menghadiri pesta penghargaan Golden Globe.

Kenapa? Karena dalam acara Golden Globe, banyak merchandise atau pernak pernik gratis dibagikan oleh para sponsor acara tersebut dan juga dari pesta-pesta yang beragam.

Bahkan seperti yang dikabarkan artis cantik, yang dibantu oleh asistennya itu membawa pulang 4 kantung tas dari pernak-pernik yang disediakan di sana yang bernilai total sekitar $12,000 (sekitar Rp 137.400.000).

�Vanessa menguasai areal (yang diselenggarakan oleh acara TV Acces Hollywood) dan dengan hati-hati memastikan kalau dirinya mengambil sesuatu dari setiap stand,� ujar seorang sumber.

Mau tahu barang-barang gratis apa aja yang dibawa pulang kekasih Zac Efron ini?
Tiket masuk ke AMC Theater selama 1 tahun untuk 2 orang, ponsel Black Berry Pearl, mesin pembuat kopi, asesori permata bernilai $4,000 (sekitar Rp 45.800.000), tas tangan desainer terkenal dan keanggotaan di tempat olah raga/ gym selama 1 tahun.

Senin, 22 Juni 2009


disney.divastar: hazu aku lpa kalo untuk ngepermak Blog APa?
disney.divastar: hazu!
disney.divastar: hazu knapa sihh!
disney.divastar: hazu , waktu itu
disney.divastar: kmu knpa sih marah sma aku gara2 aku gga ska sma bloody!!!emng aku bnci ma dia , lagian smua orng bda2 kan!'
hazuki : aku nggak marah sama kakak
hazuki : adduuuuuuuhh
hazuki : maksudnya kaka apa yang ?
disney.divastar: yyya!!
hazuki : mungkin
disney.divastar: yya tau tpi kan!
hazuki : iya
hazuki : tapi nggk pake titoik sama tnd tny
disney.divastar: kan misalnya!!! gtu !!!
hazuki : oooooooooooooooo
disney.divastar: iia apa?
disney.divastar: APA?
hazuki : apanya??????????????
disney.divastar: haduuhhh ,, yang kmaren kmu ksih ke aku link.a??!!!
disney.divastar: HAZU!!
hazuki : oooooooooooooooooooh
disney.divastar: kok malah bilang ohhh ,,, buruan ,, haduh gregetan aku hazu!
hazuki : ini mau ny agantui?
disney.divastar: ngomong apa sih ? gga jelas ,, cepet donk aku dah mo tdur nih(9.45 pm)
hazuki : mau pasang
hazuki : apa?
disney.divastar: ya tuhan ,,,,, aku mau ngebagusin blog aku ya allah!!!!!
disney.divastar: kmu sengaja ya mau bkin aku marah!!!
hazuki : eh'
hazuki : aq lagi tlp an ama kak amu lo
hazuki : mknnya bingung
hazuki : >_< disney.divastar: cpet donk hazu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hazuki : iya apanya??????????????
disney.divastar: sumpah nya aku capek ngomong sma kmu ,,!!!!!!!!aku bilang alamat bwt ngebagusin blog!!!!!
hazuki : hadduuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hazuki : mau hias blog
hazuki : kasih tempalte?
hazuki : iya?
hazuki : ini aku biasanya di sini :
disney.divastar: !!!!!!!!!!!aku dah capek ngomong ma kmu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dah ah cpek!!!!!
hazuki : hias blog kan banyak!!!!!!!!!!
hazuki : kasih kayak cbox?
hazuki : jam?
hazuki : aq mau off nih
disney.divastar: kamu telmi atau apa sih !! sumpah gga ngerti tau gga!
disney.divastar: off aja sna !
hazuki : emang aku telmi
disney.divastar: liat percakapan kta ini di blog ! aku
hazuki : makannya kudu sabat kalo ngomong ma akui
disney.divastar: eh gila llo , aku dah sabar ri tdi ,,,!!
hazuki : iya tapi mau nya apa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hazuki : aku bingung
hazuki : aku lagi sibuk!
hazuki : kakak yang nggk tau kondisi ku!
hazuki : aku lagi isntal macem2
disney.divastar: lo kira gw gga sibuk hah!!
disney.divastar: itu sih DL!
hazuki : yaudahmau nya apa!
disney.divastar: alamatnya itu kan!!!!!!haduh !!!
hazuki : iya betul
hazuki : itu buat ganti template
disney.divastar: nah yang/tuh apa!!!hazuki hyuga!!
hazuki :
disney.divastar: gitu kek dari tadi llo sebel gw !
hazuki : ooooooooooooo
hazuki : nkji9u8 bdx
hazuki : BEH MAAG\F slh ketik
disney.divastar: apa lagi lw ! mncing kmarahan gw!gw bogem llu!:P
hazuki : yaudah
hazuki : aki salaj keti
hazuki : k
hazuki : *aku salah kettik
disney.divastar: sambil merem apa lu ngetiknya !
hazuki : nggk
disney.divastar: dah ah dadah ,,, takut meledak gw ,,!
disney.divastar: eh , kalo gnti template dmna>
hazuki : di udah di dasbor belum
disney.divastar: dasbor dmna mbak?
bwat hazu maaf yya soal ini haha...habisnya kamu ditanyain oh ah oh aja :P
saat menipu my friend INTAN
tan_wildcats_14: masih .
ngom0ng2 ne cppa ?
disney.divastar: nie fikar
disney.divastar: alias sena bayu aji
tan_wildcats_14: akh ,eanx mana eanx bener ?
sena ppa fikar ?
disney.divastar: sena
tan_wildcats_14: ah g9 munxkin ?
ne mah amel kan ?
disney.divastar: iia ,,, tan bsok bwa makalah mat yya aku mau nyontoh ... yang kubus itu llo
tan_wildcats_14: qw dah d'kumplin
disney.divastar: kalo yang indri?

Miley Lyric HIgh School Musical Lyrics,And Camp rock

Sorry Cman Segini lagunya lain kali bakal lengkap lagi kok !

Nobody’s perfect

Everybody makes mistakes... Everybody has those days... 1 2 3 4!
Everybody makes mistakes... Everybody has those days... Everybody knows what what I'm talkin' 'bout... Everybody gets that way... [x2]

Sometimes I'm in a jam
I've gotta make a plan
It might be crazy
I do it anyway
No way to know for sure
I'll figure out a cure
I'm patchin' up the holes
But then it overflows
If I'm not doin' to well
Why be so hard on my self?

Nobody's Perfect!
I gotta work it!
Again and again 'til I get it right
Nobody's Perfect!
You live and you learn it!
And if I mess it up sometimes...
Nobody's perfect

Sometimes I work a scheme
But then it flips on me
Doesn't turn out how I planned
get stuck in quick sand
No problem, can be solved
Once I get involved
I try to be delicate
Then crash right into it
My intentions are good
Sometimes just misunderstood


Nobody's perfect!
I gotta work it!
I know in time I'll find a way
Nobody's perfect!

Sometimes I fix things up
And they fall apart again
Nobody's perfect

I might mix things up
But I always get it right in the end

Next time you feel like... it's just one of those days...
when you just can't seem to win
If things don't turn out the way you plan,
Don't stay down! Try again! YEAH!

[Singing (x2)]
Everybody makes mistakes.....
everybody has those days.....
everybody knows what, what I'm talkin' 'bout.......
everybody gets that way

Nobody's Perfect!
I gotta work it!
Again and again 'til I get it right!
Nobody's Perfect!
Ya live and ya learn it!
And if I mess it up sometimes...
Nobody's Perfect!
I gotta work it!
I know in time I'll find a way
Nobody's Perfect.
Ya live and ya learn it!
'Cause everybody makes mistakes
Nobody's Perfect!
Nobody's Perfect! No no! Nobody's Perfect

The Best Of both World

Oh yeah
Come on

You get the limo out front
Hottest styles, every shoe, every color

Yeah, when you're famous it can be kinda fun
It's really you but no one ever discovers

In some ways you're just like all your friends
But on stage you're a star

You get the best of both worlds
Chill it out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show

You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together and you know that it's the best of both worlds

The best of both worlds

You go to movie premiers (is that Orlando Bloom?)
Hear your songs on the radio
Livin' two lives is a little weird
But school's cool cause nobody knows

Yeah you get to be a small town girl
But big time when you play your guitar

You get the best of both worlds
Chill it out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show

You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together and you know that it's the best of both
You know the best of both worlds

Pictures and autographs
You get your face in all the magazines
The best part is that you get to be who ever you wanna be

(Best! Best!) Yeah, the best of both!
(Best! Best!) You got the best of both!
(Best! Best!) Come on, the best of both!

Who would of thought that a girl like me
Would double as a superstar

You get the best of both worlds
Chill it out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show

You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together and you know that it's the best of both worlds

You get the best of both worlds
Without the shades and the hair
You can go anywhere

You get the best of both girls
Mix it all together
Oh, yeah
It's so much better 'cause you know you've got the best of both world

Break out

Every weeks the same
Stuck in school's so lame
My parents say that I'm lazy
Getting up at 8 AM's crazy

Tired of being told what to do
So unfair
So uncool

The day's too long
And I'm holding on
'til I hear the bell ring

'cause that's time when we're gonna
(Time when we're gonna)

Let the party start
We're gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We're gonna dance till the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again.
We're gonna wake up everyone we know
We're gonna have some fun, gonna lose control
Feels so good, to let go-oh-oh.

Hangin' out's just somethin' we like to do
My friends and the mess we get into
These are the lessons that we choose
Not a book full of things we'll never use


I wish it would never end,
Spending time with my friends.
Oh with my friends!

[Chorus x2]

7 things

I probably shouldn't say this
But at times I get so scared
When I think about the previous
Relationship we've shared

It was awesome but we lost it
It's not possible for me not to care
And now we're standing in the rain
But nothing's ever gonna change until you hear, my dear

The 7 things I hate about you

The 7 things I hate about you (oh you)
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends they're jerks
And when you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

It's awkward and silent
As I wait for you to say
But what I need to hear now
Is your sincere apology
And when you mean it, I'll believe it
If you text it, I'll delete it
Let's be clear
Oh I'm not coming back
You're taking 7 steps here


And compared to all the great things
That would take too long to write
I probably should mention
The 7 that I like

The 7 things I like about you
Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's
And when we kiss, I'm hypnotized
You make me laugh, you make me cry
But I guess that's both I'll have to buy
Your hand in mine
When we're intertwined everything's alright
I want to be
With the one I know
And the 7th thing I like the most that you do
You make me love you
You do (oh)

Fly on the wall

You don't understand what it is
That makes me tick
But you wish you did
You always second guess,wonder if i say yes
but you just lose out every time

If you only knew what i talked about
When I'm with my friends just hangin' out
Then you'd have the inside scoop
On what to say, what to do
That way when you play the game
Baby you could never lose

Don't you wish that you could be a Fly on the Wall
A creepy little sneaky little Fly on the Wall
All my precious secrets, yeah
You'd know them all
Don't you wish that you could be a Fly on the Wall

You'd love to know, the things I do
When I'm with my friends, and not with you
Your always second guess, wonder if
There's other guys im flirting with
You should know by now

If you were my boyfriend, I'd be true to you
If I make a promise, I'm comin' thru
Don't you wish that you could
See me every second of the day
That way you would have no doubt
That baby i would never stray

Don't you wish that you could be a Fly on the Wall
A creepy little sneaky little Fly on the Wall
All my precious secrets, yeah
You'd know them all
Don't you wish that you could be a Fly on the Wall

A little communication
Well that'll go a long way
You're getting misinformation
Too much hearsay, hearsay

and what i say is
come a little closer
And what I'm gonna say is

Don't You
Don't You
Don't You
Don't you wish you were a...

Don't you wish that you could be a Fly on the Wall
A creepy little sneaky little Fly on the Wall
All my precious secrets, yeah
You'd know them all
Don't you wish that you could be a Fly on the Wall

Lets do this

I rode all night on a big 'ol bus
You came a long way to be with us
You pay good money to see a show
Yeah let's get ready cause here we go
Get on your feet cause I'm plugged in
So come on let's do this

I turn it on, I crank it up
I'll show you all what I'm made of
I'll get loud, I'll wear it out
I'll bring the roof in this house down
I know just what you came here for
And I want to hear you scream this more
Get on your feet, you know you can't resist

Yeah, let's do this,
(na, na, na, na, na, na)
(na, na, na, na, na, na)

Let's do this
(na, na, na, na, na, na)
(na, na, na, na, na, na)

Got all this work but I'm payed to play
And the real party starts backstage
And all my friends, they sing my song
I wish you all could come along
To take a picture, to show your friends
So come on, let's do this

I turn it on, I crank it up
I'll show you all what I'm made of
I'll get loud, I'll wear it out
I'll bring the roof in this house down
I know just what you came here for
And I want to hear you scream this more
Get on your feet, you know you can't resist

Oh, let's do this,
(na, na, na, na, na, na)
(na, na, na, na, na, na)

Let's do this
(na, na, na, na, na, na)
(na, na, na, na, na, na)

Everybody come on, nows the time to get loud
Throw your hands up, let me hear you shout it out
All my people, let me see you jumping up and down
Let me hear the words, you know you know 'em, sing it out
Freak out, scream, shout
This is what it's all about
Let me hear the hook now

I turn it on, I crank it up
I'll show you all what I'm made of
I'll get loud, I'll wear it out
I'll bring the roof in this house down
I know just what you came here for
And I want to hear you scream this more
Get on your feet, you know you can't resist

Let's do this,
(na, na, na, na, na, na)
Let's do this, oh
(na, na, na, na, na, na)

Let's do this
(na, na, na, na, na, na)
(na, na, na, na, na, na)
Let's do this

If we are a movie

Uh oh
There you go again talking cinematic
Yeah you!
You're charming, got everybody star struck.
I know
How you always seem to go
For the obvious instead of me
But get a ticket and you'll see

If we were a movie
You'd be the right guy
And I'd be the best friend
You'd fall in love with
In the end we'd be laughing
Watching the sunset
Fade to black
Show the names
Play that happy song

Yeah, yeah
When you call me
I can hear it in your voice
Oh sure!
Wanna see me
And tell me all about her
La la
I'll be acting through my tears
I guess you'll never know
That I should win
An Oscar for this scene I'm in


Wish I could tell you there's a twist
Some kind of hero in disguise
And we're together
It's for real
Now playing
Wish I could tell you there's a kiss
Like something more than in my mind
I see it
Could be amazing

[Chorus x3)


Don't call me
Leave me alone
Not gonna answer my phone
Cause I don't
No I won't see you

I'm out to have a good time
To get you off of my mind
Cause I don't
And I won't need you

Send out a 911
We're gonna have some fun
Hey boy, you know
You better run

Cause it's a girl's night
It's alright without you
I'm gonna stay out
And play out without you
You better hold tight
This girl's night is without you
Let's go
Let's go
It's a girl's night

I'll dance with somebody new
Won't have to think about you
And who knows
What let go will lead to

You'll hear from everyone
You'll get the 411
Hey boy
You knew this day would come


Hey boy
Don't you wish you could have been a good boy
Try to find another girl like me, boy
Feel me when I tell ya
I am fine
And it's time for me to draw the line


See you again

I got my sights set on you and I'm ready to aim
I have a heart that will never be tamed
I knew you were something special
When you spoke my name
Now I can't wait to see you again

I've got a way of knowing when something is right
I feel like I must have known you in another life
Cause I felt this deep connection when you looked in my eyes
Now I can't wait to see you again

The last time I freaked out
I just kept looking down
I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinking about
Felt like I couldn't breathe
You asked what's wrong with me
My best friend Leslie said "Oh she's just being Miley"
The next time we hang out
I will redeem myself
My heart it can't rest till then
I can't wait to see you again


I got this crazy feeling, deep inside
When you called and asked to see me tomorrow night
I'm not a mind reader but I'm reading the signs
That you can't wait to see me again


I got my sight set on you and I'm ready to aim


oh oh oh oh oh
I - I can't wait to see you again.

Star all Over

I have to wonder if this wave's too big to ride
Commit or not commit in such a crazy tide
It's sooner than I thought but you called me out
I've lost control and there's no doubt
I'm gonna start all over

Out of the fire and into the fire again
You make me want to forget
And start all over
Here it comes straight out of my mind or worse
Another chance to get burned
And start all over
I'm gonna start all over

Fantastic and romantic all a big surprise
You've got the warning hesitation pushed aside
It's sooner than i want but you caught my heart
I guess I'm ready now to start
I'm gonna start all over


It's so easy
You disrupt me
Can't complain

It's so easy
I'm gonna start all over


Lets dance

The weekend's almost done
The moon is low in the sky
I feel like going out
Before the night passes by
I won't just sit around
When life becomes a drag
I dance

I like the bass - turn it up
I like the boom - turn it up
I need guitar - turn it up
I like that drum - when it goes...

Let's dance
What the weekend, what the night is all about
Let's dance
Grab your girlfriends, grab your boyfriend
Sweat it out
Let's Dance
Move your whole body
Let's start the party
To much rock for one girl can make her go crazy
I need someone to dance with me baby

The music's on - turn it up
My favorite song - turn it up
The beat's strong - well turn it up
And we'll dance

When the night says hello
Yeah, get ready to go
Turn it up, turn it loose
Yeah you've got no excuse
Just take a chance
Get out on the floor and dance

Let's dance
What the weekend, what the night is all about
Let's dance
Grab your girlfriends, grab your boyfriend
Sweat it out
Let's Dance
Move your whole body
Let's start the party
As soon as my album goes number one
Mr.Lenard would like a Rolex with 40 diamond

Pumpin up the party

Get up
Get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now [x2]

It's the same old, same grind
But we don't feel we're wasting time
Not so bored that we can't find a better way
My friends, my kind
No one's gettin' left behind
If they did it'd be a crime
That's why we say
Let the music start a revolution
No time to play it safe

Get up
Get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now [x2]

They can't
We can
Parents might not understand
Having fun without a plan
But that's what we do
We're all here (Let's go!)
Gotta make this party grow
Together we can make it blow
Right through the roof
The music's gonna start a revolution
Too late to play it safe

Get up
Get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now [x2]

We don't have to paint by numbers
Let our voice come out from under
Hear it rise
Feel the thunder
It's time to lose control

Get up
Get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now [x2]
Pumpin' up the party now
Party now, party now

Get up
Get loud
Start pumpin' up the party now [x4)

You are the music in me

Na na na na
Na na na na yeah
You are the music in me
You know the words
Once upon a time
Make you listen
There's a reason

(Kelsi & Gabriella)
When you dream there's a chance you'll find
A little laughter
Or happy ever after

(Troy & Gabriella)
Yeah harmony to the melody
It's echoing inside my head

A single voice (Single voice)
Above the noise

(Troy & Gabriella)
And like a common thread

Hmm, you're pulling me

When I hear my favorite song
I know that we belong

Oh, you are the music in me
Yeah it's living in all of us

And it's brought us here because

(Troy & Gabriella)
Because you are the music in me
Na na na na (Ohh)
Na na na na na
Yeah yeah yeah

(Na na na na)
You are the music in me

It's like I knew you before we met (Before we met)
Can't explain it (Ohh ohh)
There's no name for it (No name for it)

(Troy & Gabriella)
I'm saying words I never said

And it was easy (So easy)
Because you see the real me (I see)

(Troy & Gabriella)
As I amYou understand
And that's more than I've ever known

To hear your voice (Hear your voice)
Above the noise (Ohh ohh)

(Troy & Gabriella)
And know I'm not alone

Oh you're singing to me (Ohh yeah)

When I hear my favorite song
I know that we belong (Yeah ohh)
You are the music in me
It's living in all of us
And it's brought us here because
You are the music in me
Together we're gonna sing (Yeah)

We got the power to sing what we feel (What we feel)

Connected and real

Can't keep it all inside (Ohh)

Na na na na (Ohh yeah)
Na na na na na (Ohh yeah)
Yeah yeah yeah (Na na na na)

(Troy & Gabriella)
You are the music in me (In me)

Na na na na (Ohh yeah)
Na na na na na (Ohh yeah)
Na na na na

You are the music in me
When I hear my favorite song (Favorite song)
I know that we belong (We belong)
You are the music in me

(Chorus & Troy)
Yeah it's living in all of us
It's brought us here because (Here because)
You are the music in me
Na na na na (Ohh yeah)
Na na na na (Ohh yeah)
Na na na na

(Troy & Gabriella)
You are the music in me (Yeah)


The day your door is closed
The echoes fill your soul
They won't say which way to go
Just trust your heart
To find what you're here for
Open another door
But I'm not sure anymore
It's just so hard
Voices in my head
Tell me they know best
Got me on the edge
They're pushin', pushin', they're pushin'
I know they've got a plan
But the ball's in my hands
This time is man-to-man
I'm drivin', fightin', inside of
(A world that's upside down)
It's spinning faster
What do I do now
Without you?
I don't know where to go
What's the right team
I want my own thing
So bad I'm gonna scream
I can't chose, so confused
What's it all mean
I want my own dream
So bad I'm gonna scream
I'm kicking down the walls
I gotta make them fall
Just break through them all
I'm punchin', crashin', I'm gonna
Fight to find myself
Me, and no one else
Which way, I can't tell
I'm searchin', searchin', can't find a
(Way that I should turn)
I should, to right or left, it...
It's like nothing works
Without you
I don't know where to go
What's the right team
I want my own thing
So bad I'm gonna scream
I can't chose, so confused
What's it all mean
I want my own dream
So bad I'm gonna scream
Yeah, the clock's running down,
Hear the crowd getting loud
I'm consumed by the sound
Is it her?
Is it love?
Can the music ever be enough?
Gotta work it out!
Gotta work it out!
You can do it!
You can do it!
I don't know where to go
What's the right team
I want my own thing
So bad I'm gonna scream
I can't chose, so confused
What's it all mean
I want my own dream
So bad I'm gonna scream
I don't know where to go
What's the right team
I want my own thing
I want my own thing
I can't chose, so confused
What's it all mean
I want my own dream
So bad I'm gonna scream

Can I have this dance

Take my hand, take a breath
Pull me close and take one step
Keep your eyes locked on mine,
And let the music be your guide.

Won't you promise me

Now won't you promise me, that you'll never forget

We'll keep dancing

To keep dancing

[Troy & Gabriella]
Wherever we go next
It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance, can I have this dance
Can I have this dance?

Take my hand, I'll take the lead
And every turn will be safe with me
Don't be afraid, afraid to fall
You know I'll catch you threw it all

And you can't keep us apart

Even a thousand miles, can't keep us apart

'Cause my heart is

Cause my heart is

[Troy & Gabriella]
Wherever you are
It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance, can I have this dance
Can I have this dance?
Oh no mountains too high enough, oceans too wide
'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop
Let it rain, let it pour
What we have is worth fighting for
You know I believe, that we were meant to be
It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you (like you)
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do (way we do)
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance
Can I have this dance
Can I have this dance

High school musical !

Ryan: Woo
Troy: C'mon
Sharpay: Alright
Chad: Little louder now
Gabriella, Kelsi & Taylor: HEYY!!

Lookin' for the seven days to graduation day, time to get the future started

When we leave when we take with us, no matter what, it's something we're part of

Troy & Gabriella:
We learned to fly, together side by side
Just want the rest of my life, to be as good as my

High School Musical, let's celebrate where we come from
With the friends who've been there all along, just like my

Improvisation without a script, no one's written it, and now we have the chance to

Someday we'll be lookin' back, memories we've had, all the stuff that we went through

Sharpay & Ryan:
The best of times, so why leave them behind, why can't the rest of my life? Be like my

High School Musical, who says we have to let it go
It's the best one we've ever known, step into the future
We're holding onto
High School Musical, let's celebrate where we've come from
With the friends who've been there all along, just like my

Chad & Taylor:
Now we've finally realized, that it always just took some time
We had to live and to learn, to see the truth!

Don't you see the truth?

Chad & Taylor:
Nothing's ever impossible, into the future we all reach for

‘Cause forever we'll always have high school!!!

Turn the party, now celebrate

‘Cause the world's one big stage

Put in it what you want, it can be yours!

Taylor & Kelsi:
Everybody sing ya!!

Can you show us where we're gonna go?

It's what the status is we know

High School lives on forever more!
High School Musical, who says we have to let it go
It's the best one we've ever known, step into the future


We're holding onto
High School Musical, let's celebrate where we've come from
With the friends who've been there all along, oh yeah!!!

Kelsi and Gabriella:
I wish my life could be like a

High School Musical, who says we have to let it go
It's the best one we've ever known, step into the future


We're holding onto


High School Musical, let's celebrate where we've come from


With the friends who've been there all along, that's right!!


HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right here Right Now

Troy:Yeah, yeah, can you imagine
What would happen
If we could have any dream
I'd wish this moment
Was ours to own it
And that it would never leave
Then i would thank that star
That made our wish come true (come true), oh yeah
'cause he knows that where you are
Is where i should be, too

Right here, right now
I'm looking at you
And my heart loves the view
'cause you mean everything
Right here, i promise you somehow
That tomorrow can wait
For some other day to be (to be)
But right now theres you and me

Gabriella: If this was forever
What could be better
We've already provewd it works
But in two thousand one hundred twenty-three hours
A bend in the universe
Is gonna make everything (everything)
IN our whole world change
And you know that where we are (where we are)
Will never be the same (oh no)
Oh no

Right here, right now
I'm looking at you
And my heart loves the view
'cause you mean everything
Right here, i promise you somehow
That tomorrow can wait
For some other day to be (to be)
But right now theres you and me

We know it's coming
And it's coming fast
So lets make evry second last
Make it last

Right here, right now
I'm looking at you
And my heart loves the view
'cause you mean everything
Right here, i promise you somehow
That tomorrow can wait
For some other day to be (to be)
But right now theres you and me

You and me
You and me, but
Right now there's you and me

The Boys Are Back

Both: Take It Back To The Place Where You Know That It All Began.
Chad: We Can Be Anything We Wanna Be!
Both: You Can Tell By The Noise That The Boys Are Back Again!
Chad: Together Makin' History!
Both: This Is Our Town, And I'm Tellin' You All,

The Boys Are Back!
Gonna Do It Again!
Gonna Wake Up The Neighborhood!
The Boys Are Back! The Boys Are Back!
Climbin' Up The Walls, Anytime We Want!
The Word Is Out, The Boys Are Back!

Chad: Keep Dealing With The Right When We Fight Every Single Time! Undefeated Here In Our House, Yeah!
Both: We Can Rock, We Can Shock, When We Like.
Chad: Tonight We're Gonna All Out! I Think Its Time To Show How To Be A Superhero!
Both: This Is Our Town, And Im Tellin' You All!

The Boys Are Back!
Gonna Do It Again!
Gonna Wake Up The Neighborhood!
The Boys Are Back! The Boys Are Back!
Climbin' Up The Walls, Anytime We Want!
The Word Is Out, The Boys Are Back!

Troy: Here To Change The World!
Both: To Solve A Mystery, Fight The Battle, Save The Girl! No One Can Stop Us Now, We're The Ones Who Make The Rules!
The Boys Are Back!
Troy: No Need To Worry, Cause

Both: The Boys Are Back! The Boys Are Back!
Chad: Look Out Now!
Both: The Boys Are Back, Gonna Do It Again
Chad: And We Make It Look Good!
Both: The Boys Are Back! The Boys Are Back! Climbin' Down The Walls, Anytime We Want! We're Sure That You Know By Now, The
Boys Are Back!

Now Or Never

Troy & team: 16, 16, 16 minutes left better get it done 16, 16, 16 more minutes get on 16, 16, 16 minutes left, runnin' out of time 16, 16, 16 more's on the line 16, 16, 16 minuted left, gotta get it done 16, 16, 16 more minutes till we're number one

coach: let's go team

troy: gotta get it togther yeah, pull up and shoot...

team: score!

troy: are ya ready, are ya with me?

team: team, team, team, yeah!

troy: shake 'em with the crossover tell me what are we here for

team: to win! 'cause we know that we're the best team

coach: c'mon boys, c'mon boys, c'mon!

troy: the way we play tonight is what we leave behind it all comes down to right now, it's up to us

troy & team: so what are we gonna be t-e-a-m, team!

troy: gotta work it out, turn it on

team: come on!

chorus 1:
troy & team: this is the last time to get it right this is the last chance to make it our night we gotta show what we're all about work together

this is the last chance to make our mark history will know who we are this is the last game so make it count it's Now or Never

wildcat cheerleaders: w-i-l-d know you're on w-i-l-d wildcats...c'mon c'mon

west high knight cheerleaders: west high knights, hey yeah, we're doing it right...oh yeah

wildcats cheerleaders: w-i-l-d,'s the time

troy: gotta get it inside, down low in the paint now shoot

team: score!

west high knight cheerleaders: defense

troy: yeah, we gotta work it together

team: give me the ball give me the ball give me the ball

troy: fast break, keep the ball in control let it fly from downtown...

team: 3 more

troy: show 'em we can do it better

west high knight cheerleaders: no way

team & coach: go, go, go

coach: c'mon boys

troy & team: the way we play tonight is what we leave behind it all comes down to right now, it's up to us so what are we gonna be

team: t-e-a-m, team!

troy: gotta work it out, turn it on

team: come on!

chorus 1:

coach: come on, troy... come on, troy

gabriella: troy

troy: right now i can hardly breathe

gabriella: oh, you can do it just now that i believe

troy: and that's all i really nees

gabriella: then c'mon
troy: make me strong

troy& team: it's time to turn it on!

wildcats cheerleaders: wildcats...gonna tear it up go wildcats... yeah, we're 1 hey, wildcats...we're the champions go, go, go team, go!

west high knight cheerleaders: west high knights...hey...we're putting up a fight

wildcat cheerleaders: wildcats we never quit it... gonna win it let me hear ya say...hey, hey, hey

wildcat cheerleaders: wildcats!

west high knight cheerleaders: go west high, yeah!

wildcat cheerleaders: hey! we're the best! gonna win.

troy & team: gotta show 'em how we do it

team & wildcat cheerleaders: game on!

chorus 2:
troy & team: this is the last time to get it right this is the last chance to make it our night we gotta show what we're all about - team! work together

this is the last chance to make our mark history will know who we are this is the last game so make it count it's Now or Never

this is the last time to get it right this is the last chance to make it our night we gotta show what we're all about - team! work together

this is the last chance to make our mark history will know who we are this is the last game so make it count it's Now or Never yeah!

A night to remember

Guess now it's official
Can't back out, can't back out (no)
Getting ready for the night of nights
The night of nights, alright
Dont Panic (Panic!)

Now do we have to dress up for the prom?
Dude I don't think we have the choice
Yeah it's the night of all nights
Gotta look just right
Dressing to impress the boys

Do I want classic or vintage or plaid?
Where's the mirror?
I think this tux is too baggy
Too tight, it makes me look weird.

Should I go movie star glamorous
sassy or sweet?
Dont know, but no one better wear the same dress as me

It's the night of our nightmares
It's the night of our dreams
It's too late to back out of it.
Hey, makeovers, massages.
Dont know what a corsage is.
Been waiting all our lives for this.

It's gonna be a night (Can't wait)
To remember (oh, man)
C'mon now (Big fun, alright)
It's gonna be the night ( I guess)
To last forever
We'll never, ever, ever Forget!

[Sharpay and Ryan]
Gettin Ready, Get Gettin Ready
Gettin Ready, Get, Gettin Ready
(Hey you been in there an hour man)
So, what should I do with my hair?
Where's my shaver?
Ooh, I love it.
I look like a waiter.
Should I fluff it?
It's getting later, already should be there.

Her mother opens the door, I'm shakin inside
He's here, it's time, the hours arrived.
Don't know why, her father's staring me down
Where's my purse? Lip gloss? Now I'm really freaking out.
Then something changes my world
The most beautiful girl right in front of my eyes

It's gonna be a night (Oh Yeah!)
To remember (That's for sure)
Come on now, big fun (Alright!)
It's gonna be the night (Yeah tonight)
To last forever (forever more)
We'll never ever ever forget.

Who's that girl? (She's so fine)
Who's that guy? (I don't recognize)
Who's that girl? (She looks so good, yeah)
You'll never really notice, but you probably should

Big fun, on the night of nights (alright)
The night of nights, tonight
Let's dance
On the night of nights
You know were gonna do it right

It's gonna be a night to remember
It's gonna be the night to last forever
It's gonna be a night to remember
It's gonna be the night to last forever
(Last Forever)
It's gonna be our night (you know it)
To remember (all time)
Come on now, big fun (big fun)
It's gonna be the night (love it)
To last forever (the rest of our lives)
We'll never ever ever forget

It's gonna be our night (oh yeah)
All together (say it loud)
Come on now, everyone (that's right)
It's gonna be a night (yeah tonight)
To remember (hear the crowd)
And never ever ever never ever ever never ever never ever ever forget

We’re all in this together

Together, together, together everyone
Together, together, come on lets have some fun
Together, were there for each other every time
Together together come on lets do this right

Here and now its time for celebration
I finally figured it out (yeah yeah)
That all our dreams have no limitations
That's what its all about(yeah yeah)

Everyone is special in their own way
We make each other strong (we make each other strong)
Were not the same
Were different in a good way
Together's where we belong

We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true

Together, together, together everyone
Together, together, come on lets have some fun
Together, were there for each other every time
Together together come on lets do this right

We're all here
and speaking out with one voice
we're going to rock the house (YEAH YEAH!)
the party's on now everybody make some noise
come on scream and shout

We've arrived becuase we stuck together
Champions one and all

We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come

We're all in this together
When we reach
We can fly
Know inside
We can make it
We're all in this toghether
Once we see
Theres a chance
That we have
And we take it

Wild cats sing along
Yeah, you really got it goin' on
Wild cats in the house
Everybody say it now
Wild cats everywhere
Wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it
Lets get to it
Time to show the world

We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true

We're all in this together
When we reach
We can fly
Know inside
We can make it
We're all in this together
Once we see
Theres a chance
That we have
And we take it

Wild cats everywhere
Wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it
Let's get to it
Come on everyone.


Once in a lifetime
Means there's no second chance
So I believe that you and me
Should grab it while we can

Make it last forever
And never give it back

It's our turn, and I'm loving' where we're at

[Troy & Gabriella]
Because this moment's really all we have

Of our lives,

Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight

Gonna run

[Troy & Gabriella]
While we're young
And keep the faith


[Troy & Gabriella]
From right now,
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud

Take my hand;

Together we
Will celebrate,


[Troy & Gabriella]
Oh, ev'ryday.

They say that you should follow

And chase down what you dream,

But if you get lost and lose yourself

What does it really mean?

Ohh, no matter where we're going,

Ooh, yeah
It starts from where we are.

[Gabriella, Troy & Gabriella]
There's more to life when we listen to our hearts

[Troy & Gabriella]
And because of you, I've got the strength to start
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Of our lives,

[Troy & Gabriella, Gabriella]
Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight

[Troy & Gabriella]
Gonna run
While we're young
And keep the faith.
Oh Everyday

[Troy, Troy & Gabriella]
From right now,
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand;
Together we
Will celebrate,

Oh, ev'ryday

We're taking it back,
We're doing it here

It's better like that,
And stronger now
Than ever!

[Troy & Gabriella]
We're not gonna lose.
'Cause we get to choose.
That's how it's gonna be!

Of our lives,

Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight.

Gonna run
While we're young

[Troy & Gabriella]
And keep the faith
Keep the faith!

Of our lives,
Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight.
Gonna run (gonna run)
While we're young
And keep the faith

Ohh Whoa
Everyday (everyday)
From right now, (from right now)
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand; (take my hand)
Together we
Will celebrate,

Live ev'ry day! (Ohhh)
Love ev'ryday! (Everyday)
Live ev'ryday! (Oh Whoa)
Love ev'ryday! (Oh Everyday)
Na, na Ev'ryday!
Ooh yeah
I say



I don’t dance

Chad and team: Hey.. oh.. play ball.

Chad: Ooo.. ooo... ooo...

Chad and team: Hey, Hey, oh

Ryan and team: Hey batter batter, hey batter batter, swing.

Chad: I've got to just do my thing.

Ryan and team: Hey batter batter, hey batter batter swing.

Ryan: I'll show you that it's one and the same, baseball, dancing same game. It's easy, step up to the plate, start swingin'

Chad: I wanna play ball now that's all this is what I do. It ain't no dance that you can show me,

Team: Hey, hey hey

Chad: Yeah.

Girls in stands: You'll never know.

Chad: Oh I know.

Girls: If you never try.

Chad: There's just one little thing that stops me every time, yeah.

Ryan: C'mon!

Chad: I don't dance.

Ryan and girls: I know you can.

Chad: Not a chance, no.

Ryan: If I could do this well you could do that.

Chad: But I don't dance.

Ryan: Hit it out of the park!

Chad: I don't dance.

Ryan: I say you can.

Chad: There's not a chance.

Ryan and girls: Slide home, you score, swingin' on the dance floor.

Chad: I don't dance, no.

Ryan and team: Hey batter batter, hey batter batter, swing.

Chad: I've got to just do my thing.

Ryan and team: Hey batter batter, hey batter batter swing.

Chad: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ryan: Two steppin' now you're up to bat. Bases loaded do your dance it's easy, take your best shot, just hit it!

Chad: I've got what it takes playin' my game, So you better spin that pitch you're gonna throw me. I'll show you how I swing!

Girls in stands: You'll never know.

Chad: Oh I know.

Girls: If you never try.

Chad: There's just one little thing that stops me every time, yeah.

Ryan: C'mon!

Chad: I don't dance.

Ryan and girls: I know you can.

Chad: Not a chance, no.

Ryan: If I could do this well you could do that.

Chad: But I don't dance.

Ryan: Hit it out of the park!

Chad: I don't dance.

Ryan: I say you can.

Chad: There's not a chance.

Ryan and girls: Slide home, you score, swingin' on the dance floor.

Chad: I don't dance, no.


Ryan and team: Lean back, tuck it in, take a chance. Swing it out, spin around, do the dance.

Chad: I wanna play ball, not dance hall. I'm makin' a triple not a curtain call.

Ryan: I can prove it to you till you know it's true. 'Cause I can swing it, I can bring it to the diamond too.

Chad: You're talkin' alot, tell me what you got, Stop.

All: Swiiiing!


Team: Hey, swing it like this.

Chad: Yeah..oh..

Ryan: Swing..

Chad: Oooh...

Ryan: Jitterbug.

Team: Just like that, oh.

Ryan: That's what I mean, that's how you swing.

Chad: You make a good pitch but I don't believe.

Ryan: I say you can.

Chad: I know I can't! I don't

Both: Daaaaaaaaaaaaaance!


Ryan: team, girls: You can do it.

Chad: I don't dance, no.

Ryan, team, girls: Nothin' to it. Atta boy, atta boy, yeah.

Chad and team: Hey batter batter, hey batter batter what.

Ryan: 1, 2, 3, 4, every ody swing. C'mon!

Chad: I don't dance.

Ryan and girls: I know you can.

Chad: Not a chance, no.

Ryan: If I could do this well you could do that.

Chad: But I don't dance.

Ryan: Hit it out of the park!

Chad: I don't dance.

Ryan: I say you can.

Chad: There's not a chance.

Ryan and girls: Slide home, you score, swingin' on the dance floor.

Chad: I don't dance, no

Excuse emwaa

Get here
What did you do
What did I do
You told Troy about my love life

Oh you know what I Mean
Stop pretending
Excuse Emwaa
You know the darkness is the sky is with us
Don ot pretend

Excuse Emwaa
Excuse Emwaa
Excuse Emwaa
Excuse Emwaa
Excuse Emwaa
Excuse Emwaa
Excuse Emwaa
Thank You
Excuse Emwa

Everything troyalicious

Everything's fabulous
And perfect
And fabulous

My shooting star wish came true
me and Troy loving each other

Everything's Troyalicious
I've split Gabriella with him
It's just me and him

Everything's Troyalicious
I love him and he loves me
So sorry to Gabriella

Sharpay is my new girlfriend
Gabriella's the victim now
I love her

I know who had the same with me

Sing together,
Dance together
We love each other (x2)

We Rock On

Cause we rock
we rock, we rock on
we rock, we rock on

come as you are
you're a superstar
the world's in your pocket and you know it

you can feel that beat
running through your feet
hearts racing fast, you're rockin' rollin'
all that you need is the music to take you to some other place where you know that you belong

where its up in the air and scream
finding our voice followed in our dreams
we rock
raise your hands up in the air and scream
we're finding our voice but aware of our dreams
we rock
we rock we rock we rock on

nobody in the world's going to bring us down
no matter where we go where we go we'll defend our sound
cause we rock
we rock we rock we rock on

we got the music in our souls
but its the dreams we want the most
down here it turns our world around
we rock (camp rock)
we rock we rock we rock on
we rock (camp rock)
we rock we rock we rock on

raise your hands up in the air and scream
we're finding our voice but aware of our dreams
we rock
we rock we rock we rock on

nobody in the world's going to bring us down
no matter where we go where we go we'll defend our sound
we rock
we rock we rock we rock on

raise your hands up in the air and scream
we're finding our voice but aware of our dreams
we rock
we rock we rock we rock on

nobody in the world's going to bring us down
no matter where we go where we go we'll defend our sound
we rock
we rock we rock we rock on


Play my music

It's been on that radio
As loud as it can go
Wanna dance until my feet can't feel the ground (feel the ground)
Say goodbye to all my fears
One good song may disapear
And nothing in the world can bring me down (bring me down)

Hand clapping
Hip shaking
There's no faking
What you feel when your riding home
Yeah, yeah

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, everynight
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just want to play my music
Whoo (music)

Got my fix string on my back
Don't need anything but that
Everything I want is here with me (here with me)
So forget that fancy car
I don't need to go that far
What's driving me is following my dreams, yeah

Hand clapping
Earth shaking
There's no faking
What you feel when your on a roll
Yeah, yeah

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, everynight
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just wanna play my music
I just wanna play my music

Can't imagine what it'd be like
Without the sound of all my hero's singing all my favorite songs
So I can sing along

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, everynight
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just wanna play my music

Music's in my soul
I can hear it everyday, everynight
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no no
I just wanna play my music
All night long


Start The Party

I'm gettin' dressed for the jam about to jump in my Mercedes
Slippin' on my dancin' shoes cuz I'm a lady of the eighties
It's Friday night, I just got paid, my house is pumpin'
Or listenin' to my Hammer tape, while my sound system is dumpin'
Picked up my girl Salty, she was waitin' on the porch
I shared my fly, fly Mercedes, yo, lit the highway like a torch
On the way to pick up Spindy we raced with a 1-9-D
He was a sucker duck if he thought he could buck with us in E
The party started

Let's get this party started
Let's get this party started right

Rolled up at the party, saw a fella black and fine
Bow-legged, high-top fade, then I said, "Yo, that one's mine"
Stepped out of the ride, told the bouncer, "Hold my Benzy"
Heard the bass, it was the place so I slipped my man a penny
When we walked in the jam fans met us at the door
They yelled, "We love you Salt and Pepa!" "Yes, we love y'all even more!"
Some foul, wack, nappy bitty tried to step to Spinderella
I was cool, I made my move, then I droppped her like a fella
Start the party, boy


Now this is what you call a hip-hop beat from S and P
So get out on the dancefloor, and don't even rough with me
I ain't goin' for it, I ain't buyin' it so don't even try me
Dance sucker, Mother Tucker can, that old lady gets busy
Yeah, I don't give a damn, Salty is who I am
And man, I'm gonna slam this jam, you understand?
Yes, we will stay the queens no matter what the means
The party started, let's get retarded, now work them bluejeans
Rock the party, y'all


[Yo, Salt, you wanna continue the story?]
Yes, I told the people move, he made a move
To the stage and grabbed the mic
From these stank, sorry, frauds - Run D.M.C. look-alikes
Spinderella took the set, made her fingers nice and wet
And you bet she made that DJ sweat, and he won't soon forget
Pepa took on the speaker, bust an oh, so funky rhyme
I did a step right on time and made the crowd lose their minds
The whole place was on the floor, we was rockin' hardcore-core
We left them wantin' more, and we headed out the door
We rocked the party